

SVIT's undoubtedly will be used extensively in future years, as they can represent a constantly-changing 3-D space much more accurately and efficiently than some other 3-D imaging techniques. One way in which SVIT's will be invaluable in future years is in air traffic control, where they will be able to replace radar. Currently, radar devices display a 3-D space on a 2-D screen. The third dimension, flight altitude, is missing in these displays. The altitude of airplanes must then be indicated alphanumerically by figures on the screen. Because of the dimensional shortcomings of radar devices, a controller has to constantly observe all of the figures on the radar screen in order to keep track of the actual air space situation. With SVIT's, the air space can accurately be represented as a 3-dimensional space. Air traffic controllers will then be able to judge the activities of the airplanes more effectively than they currently can with radar devices.

SVIT's also have future implications for the world of telecommunications. The Star Wars trilogy has already demonstrated the way in which volumetric imaging can be used to send messages, as in the clip shown below. (Only the first part of the clip is relavent, please ignore any small pink rabbit references. Thank you.)


Finally, the world of entertainment may one day be able to use advanced SVIT's to create three-dimensional television shows without the use of 3-D glasses. Many commercial companies, such as Actuality Systems and Neos Technologies are currently working on simplifying and improving SVIT's, as are major research institutions around the world. With their ongoing research and development, SVIT's will become ever simpler and more exact in years to come. Maybe one day they will be even as common as flip books.



