#!/usr/local/bin/perl # gallery.cgi # flush the buffers $|=1; # find if it is a windows operating system my($dpath); my($windows); if ( ($^O eq 'MSWin32') || defined($ENV{'OS'}) ) { # this one for windows $windows = "true"; $dpath= "$ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}"; $dpath =~ s/\\$ConfigCgi$//g; $slash = '\\'; }else{ # this one for unix type $windows = "false"; $dpath = "$ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}"; $dpath =~ s/\/$ConfigCgi$//g; $slash = '/'; } push (@INC, "$dpath"); eval { # load required files require 'uig.cfg'; push(@INC, "$ScriptPath"); require $ScriptPath.$slash."uiglib.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."memory.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."display.cgi"; }; if ($@) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\nError including the required files:\n\n"; print "$@\n\n"; exit; } use CGI; $cgi = new CGI; #eval use_named_parameters to work with both old and new versions of CGI.pm eval '$cgi->use_named_parameters'; #read cookie $CookieData = $cgi->cookie("$CookieName"); if ($CookieData){ CrumbleCookie(); } if($cgi->param("func") eq "setupdefaults") { LoadDefaultConfig(); WriteGalleryConfig(); } if($cgi->param("func") eq "logout") { Logout(); ShowAdminLogin(); } #Check login #if(UserExists($Username) eq "false") { # if($Username eq "") { ShowAdminLogin(); } # else { ShowAdminLogin("Sorry, The Username: $Username does not exist in our records."); } #} my $rval = ""; $newlogin = "false"; if($cgi->param("func") eq "login") { $rval = Login(); $newlogin = "true"; } else { $rval = CheckExistingLogin(); } if($rval eq "false") { @UserProfile = (); ShowAdminLogin("You entered an incorrect password."); } elsif($rval eq "true" && $newlogin eq "true") { WriteMessage("Welcome back $Username, you have been logged in."); } elsif($rval eq "dne" || $Username eq "") { if($Username eq "") { ShowAdminLogin(); } else { ShowAdminLogin("Sorry, The Username: $Username does not exist in our records."); } } if(!GetPermission("AccessAdmin")) { ShowAdminLogin("$Username, you do not have permission to access this area."); } #PrintHeader(); #print $cgi->dump(); #Check what requested action is. if($cgi->param("func") eq "newcat") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; CreateNewCategory($cgi->param("parent"), $cgi->param("name")); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "listplugins") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."plugins.cgi"; LoadPlugins(); ShowPlugins(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "showeditpaths") { ShowEditPaths(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "savepaths") { SavePaths(); ShowConfigMain(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "editallcategories") { ShowEditAllCategories(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "editcategory") { if($cgi->param("type") eq "save") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; EditExisitingCategory($cgi->param("category")); ShowEditAllCategories(); } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "delete") { if($cgi->param("confirmed") eq "Yes") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; DeleteCategory($cgi->param("category")); BuildCatData(); ShowEditAllCategories(); } elsif($cgi->param("cancel")) { ShowEditAllCategories(); } else { ShowConfirmDeleteCategory(); } } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "move") { if($cgi->param("confirmed") eq "Move") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; MoveCategory($cgi->param("category"), $cgi->param("parent")); BuildCatData(); ShowEditAllCategories(); } else { ShowConfirmMoveCategory(); } } else { ShowEditCategory($cgi->param("category")); } } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "modifycatorder") { ModifyCategoryOrder(); ShowEditAllCategories(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "createcategory") { if($cgi->param("type") eq "save") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; CreateNewCategory($cgi->param("parent"), DecodeURL($cgi->param("categoryname"))); BuildCatData(); ShowEditAllCategories(); } else { ShowCreateCategory(); } } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "buildcatdata") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; if($cgi->param("type") eq "disregardorder") { $DisregardOrder = "true"; } BuildCatData(); #There's a better way to setup the image count...just need to think about it for a bit... ReadCategories(); for(my $counter = 0; $counter < @CategoryList; $counter++) { ReadMedia($counter); $CategoryList[$counter]->{COUNT} = @MediaList; WriteCatInfo($counter); } BuildCatData(); ShowEditAllCategories(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "batchbuild") { $DisregardOrder = "true"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; BuildCatData(); FindNewMedia(-1); #There's a better way to setup the image count...just need to think about it for a bit... ReadCategories(); for(my $counter = 0; $counter < @CategoryList; $counter++) { ReadMedia($counter); $CategoryList[$counter]->{COUNT} = @MediaList; WriteCatInfo($counter); } BuildCatData(); WriteMessage(qq~Go back to Main~); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "editsearch") { ShowSearchExistingImages(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "editmedia") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; if($cgi->param("type") eq "new") { ReadMediaWaiting(); AddNewImages(); ReadMediaWaiting(); ShowAddNewImages(); } elsif ($cgi->param("type") eq "waiting") { ReadUserMediaWaiting(); ApproveNewImages(); ReadUserMediaWaiting(); ShowApproveWaitingHtml(); } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "existing") { if($cgi->param("searchterm")) { ReadMedia($cgi->param("Category"), $cgi->param("searchterm"), $FILENAME); } else { ReadMedia($cgi->param("Category")); } SaveMediaChanges(); if($cgi->param("searchterm")) { ReadMedia($cgi->param("Category"), $cgi->param("searchterm"), $FILENAME); } else { ReadMedia($cgi->param("Category")); } ShowEditExistingImages(); } } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "filetypes") { if($cgi->param("save")) { EditFileType(); } elsif($cgi->param("delete")) { DeleteFileType(); } elsif($cgi->param("Add")) { AddFileType(); } ShowFileTypes(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "style") { if($cgi->param("type") eq "save") { SaveStyleSettings(); ShowConfigMain(); } else { ShowStyleSettings(); } } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "displayoptions") { if($cgi->param("type") eq "save") { SaveDisplayOptions(); ShowConfigMain(); } else { ShowDisplayOptions(); } } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "users") { ShowSearchUsers(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "viewusers") { ShowSearchUsersResults(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "edituser") { if($cgi->param("type") eq "save") { SaveUser(); ShowSearchUsers(); } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "create") { SaveUser("new"); ShowSearchUsers(); } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "new") { ShowCreateUser(); #ShowSearchUsers(); } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "delete") { if($cgi->param("confirmed") eq "Yes") { DeleteUser(DecodeURL($cgi->param("username"))); ShowSearchUsers(); } elsif($cgi->param("cancel")) { ShowSearchUsers(); } else { ShowConfirmDeleteUser(); } } else { ShowEditUser(); } } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "groups") { ShowViewGroups(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "editgroup") { if($cgi->param("type") eq "delete") { if($cgi->param("confirmed") eq "Yes") { DeleteGroup(DecodeURL($cgi->param("group"))); ShowViewGroups(); } elsif($cgi->param("cancel")) { ShowViewGroups(); } else { ShowConfirmDeleteGroup(); } } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "newgroup") { ShowCreateGroup(); } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "create") { CreateNewGroup(); ShowViewGroups(); } elsif($cgi->param("type") eq "save") { SaveGroupChanges(); ShowViewGroups(); } else { ShowEditGroup(); } } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "setdefaultgroup") { SetDefaultGroup(); ShowViewGroups(); } elsif($cgi->param("help") eq "filetypes") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."adminhtml.cgi"; FileTypeHelpHtml(); } elsif($cgi->param("help") eq "keywords") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."adminhtml.cgi"; KeywordHelpHtml(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "setuptestdirectories") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; CreateNewCategory("", "Test Category 1"); CreateNewCategory("", "Test Category 2"); CreateNewCategory("", "Test Category 3"); CreateNewCategory("Test Category 1", "Test Category 1-1"); CreateNewCategory("Test Category 2", "Test Category 2-1"); CreateNewCategory("Test Category 2", "Test Category 2-2"); WriteMessage("Created Test Directories."); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "testbuildcatdata") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; BuildCatData(); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "testfindnewmedia") { require $ScriptPath.$slash."media.cgi"; FindNewMedia(-1); } elsif($cgi->param("func") eq "testwriteconfig") { WriteGalleryConfig(); WriteMessage("Wrote config to test.cfg"); } else { ShowConfigMain(); } $TotalTime = times(); WriteMessage("Elapsed Time: $TotalTime secs"); ############################################################### # SavePaths() # Pretty much the toughest function I've had to write yet. ############################################################### sub SavePaths { $GalleryPath = $cgi->param("GalleryPath"); #If WIN, change \ to \\ $MediaPath = $cgi->param("MediaPath"); $MemberPath = $cgi->param("MemberPath"); $ScriptPath = $cgi->param("ScriptPath"); $SkinPath = $cgi->param("SkinPath"); $WaitingPath = $cgi->param("WaitingPath"); $GalleryUrl = $cgi->param("GalleryUrl"); $MediaUrl = $cgi->param("MediaUrl"); $SkinUrl = $cgi->param("SkinUrl"); $WaitingUrl = $cgi->param("WaitingUrl"); WriteGalleryConfig(); WriteMessage("General Settings Saved."); } sub AddNewImages { if(!@CategoryList) { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; ReadCategories(); } if($cgi->param("lastpage") ne ""){ $page = int($cgi->param("lastpage")); } $startindex = $cgi->param("startindex"); #print "

Start index is : $startindex"; $maxindex = $cgi->param("count") + $startindex; #print "

maxindex is : $maxindex"; my $counter; for($counter = $startindex; $counter <= $maxindex; $counter++) { #print "

Counter is : $counter"; #read form data and add to database. #array format needed for Add_Image() is : #($image, $thumb, $desc, $cat, $type, $date, $copyright, $author, $downloads, $votes, $rating, $user, $ip) #print "

AddNow$counter param is : "; #print $cgi->param("AddNow$counter"); if($cgi->param("AddNow$counter") ne "on") { #print "

Not Adding Image"; next; } #print "

Adding Image"; my(@NewData) = (); if($cgi->param("FileName$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("FileName$counter")); } else { FatalError("Database entry had no filename, insert failed."); } if($cgi->param("ThumbName$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("ThumbName$counter")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } push(@NewData, AssignType($cgi->param("FileName$counter"))); if($cgi->param("Date$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("Date$counter")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } if($cgi->param("Copyright$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("Copyright$counter")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } if($cgi->param("Author$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("Author$counter")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } push(@NewData, 0); push(@NewData, 0); push(@NewData, 0); if($cgi->param("Description$counter") ne "") { my($tempdesc) = $cgi->param("Description$counter"); $tempdesc =~ s/\n/\/g; push(@NewData, $tempdesc); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } $catindex = int($cgi->param("Category$counter")); if($cgi->param("user") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("user")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } if($cgi->param("IP") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("IP")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } MoveMedia($cgi->param("FileName$counter"), $cgi->param("ThumbName$counter"), -1, $catindex, @NewData); WriteMessage(qq~Added $NewData[$TYPE]

Filename : '$NewData[$FILENAME]'
Thumbnail : '$NewData[$THUMBNAME]'
User : '$NewData[$USER]'
~); } } sub ApproveNewImages { if(!@CategoryList) { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; ReadCategories(); } if($cgi->param("lastpage") ne ""){ $page = int($cgi->param("lastpage")); } $startindex = $cgi->param("startindex"); #print "

Start index is : $startindex"; $maxindex = $cgi->param("count") + $startindex; #print "

maxindex is : $maxindex"; my $counter; for($counter = $startindex; $counter <= $maxindex; $counter++) { #print "

Counter is : $counter"; #read form data and add to database. #array format needed for Add_Image() is : #($image, $thumb, $desc, $cat, $type, $date, $copyright, $author, $downloads, $votes, $rating, $user, $ip) #print "

AddNow$counter param is : "; #print $cgi->param("AddNow$counter"); if($cgi->param("Task$counter") eq "Reject") { #rejected so delete from disk... DeleteMedia(-1, $cgi->param("FileName$counter"), "true"); next; } elsif($cgi->param("Task$counter") eq "Approve") { my(@NewData) = (); if($cgi->param("FileName$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("FileName$counter")); } else { FatalError("Database entry had no filename, insert failed."); } if($cgi->param("ThumbName$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("ThumbName$counter")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } push(@NewData, AssignType($cgi->param("FileName$counter"))); if($cgi->param("Date$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("Date$counter")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } if($cgi->param("Copyright$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("Copyright$counter")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } if($cgi->param("Author$counter") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("Author$counter")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } push(@NewData, 0); push(@NewData, 0); push(@NewData, 0); if($cgi->param("Description$counter") ne "") { my($tempdesc) = $cgi->param("Description$counter"); $tempdesc =~ s/\n/\/g; push(@NewData, $tempdesc); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } $catindex = int($cgi->param("Category$counter")); if($cgi->param("user") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("user")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } if($cgi->param("IP") ne "") { push(@NewData, $cgi->param("IP")); } else { push(@NewData, "NODATA"); } MoveMedia($cgi->param("FileName$counter"), $cgi->param("ThumbName$counter"), -1, $catindex, @NewData); WriteMessage(qq~Added $NewData[$TYPE]

Filename : '$NewData[$FILENAME]'
Thumbnail : '$NewData[$THUMBNAME]'
User : '$NewData[$USER]'
~); } } } sub SaveMediaChanges { if($cgi->param("lastpage") ne ""){ $page = int($cgi->param("lastpage")); } $startindex = $cgi->param("startindex"); $maxindex = $cgi->param("count") + $startindex; my $counter; #gain some speed by not writing if nothing done. my $changesmade = 0; @EditList = @MediaList; @MoveNeeded = (); @SaveNeeded = (); for($counter = $startindex; $counter <= $maxindex; $counter++) { #print "

Counter is : $counter"; #print "

Task$counter param is : "; #print $cgi->param("Task$counter"); if($cgi->param("Task$counter") eq "Save") { #replace current values #print "Looking at saving changes for file ".$cgi->param('FileName$counter')."
"; my $listcounter = 0; for($listcounter = 0; $listcounter < @EditList; $listcounter++) { if($EditList[$listcounter][$FILENAME] eq $cgi->param("FileName$counter")) { #print "found a match, saving
"; push(@SaveNeeded, $listcounter); $changesmade = 1; $catindex = int($cgi->param("Category$counter")); $oldcatindex = int($cgi->param("OldCategory$counter")); #check to see if category was changed, if so move the image if($catindex ne $oldcatindex || $catindex != $oldcatindex) { $EditList[$listcounter][$NEWCATINDEX] = $catindex; push(@MoveNeeded, $listcounter); pop(@SaveNeeded); } #$EditList[$listcounter][$FILENAME] = $cgi->param("FileName$counter"); if($cgi->param("ThumbName$counter") ne "") { $EditList[$listcounter][$THUMBNAME] = $cgi->param("ThumbName$counter"); } else { $EditList[$listcounter][$THUMBNAME] = "NODATA"; } if($cgi->param("Description$counter") ne "") { my($tempdesc) = $cgi->param("Description$counter"); $tempdesc =~ s/\n/\/g; #print "

Description is '$tempdesc'

"; $EditList[$listcounter][$DESCRIPTION] = $tempdesc; } else { $EditList[$listcounter][$DESCRIPTION] = "NODATA"; } $EditList[$listcounter][$TYPE] = AssignType($EditList[$listcounter][$FILENAME]); if($cgi->param("Date$counter") ne "") { $EditList[$listcounter][$DATE] = $cgi->param("Date$counter"); } else { $EditList[$listcounter][$DATE] = "NODATA"; } if($cgi->param("Copyright$counter") ne "") { $EditList[$listcounter][$COPYRIGHT] = $cgi->param("Copyright$counter"); } else { $EditList[$listcounter][$COPYRIGHT] = "NODATA"; } if($cgi->param("Author$counter") ne "") { $EditList[$listcounter][$AUTHOR] = $cgi->param("Author$counter"); } else { $EditList[$listcounter][$AUTHOR] = "NODATA"; } $message = "Saved changes to ".$cgi->param("FileName$counter"); WriteMessage($message); last; } } } elsif($cgi->param("Task$counter") eq "DeleteFromDisk" || $cgi->param("Task$counter") eq "DeleteFromDatabase") { #delete the file from the database. my $listcounter = 0; for($listcounter = 0; $listcounter < @EditList; $listcounter++) { if($EditList[$listcounter][$FILENAME] eq $cgi->param("FileName$counter")) { #remove entry from list... #splice ARRAY,OFFSET,LENGTH DecCatImageCount($EditList[$listcounter][$CATEGORY]); if($cgi->param("Task$counter") eq "DeleteFromDisk") { $DeleteFromDisk = "true"; } else { $DeleteFromDisk = ""; } DeleteMedia($EditList[$listcounter][$CATINDEX], $EditList[$listcounter][$FILENAME], $DeleteFromDisk); splice(@EditList, $listcounter, 1); if($DeleteFromDisk ne "") { WriteMessage("Deleted ".$cgi->param("FileName$counter")." from the database and hard drive."); } else { WriteMessage("Deleted ".$cgi->param("FileName$counter")." from the database."); } @MediaList = @EditList; last; } } } } if($changesmade == 1) { @MediaList = @EditList; for(my $counter = 0; $counter < @MoveNeeded; $counter++) { MoveMedia($EditList[$MoveNeeded[$counter]][$FILENAME], $EditList[$MoveNeeded[$counter]][$THUMBNAME], $EditList[$MoveNeeded[$counter]][$CATINDEX], $EditList[$MoveNeeded[$counter]][$NEWCATINDEX], @{$EditList[$MoveNeeded[$counter]]}); $MediaList[$MoveNeeded[$counter]][$FILENAME] = ""; } #first we can reduce the amount of work we must do if these images are not search results... if($cgi->param("searchterm") || $cgi->param("Category") < 0) { for(my $counter = 0; $counter < @SaveNeeded; $counter++) { SaveMediaEntry($EditList[$SaveNeeded[$counter]][$FILENAME], $EditList[$MoveNeeded[$counter]][$THUMBNAME], $EditList[$SaveNeeded[$counter]][$CATINDEX], @{$EditList[$SaveNeeded[$counter]]}, $EditList[$MoveNeeded[$counter]][$THUMBNAME]); WriteMessage("Saved changes to: $EditList[$SaveNeeded[$counter]][$FILENAME]"); } } else { if($cgi->param("Category") ne "") { WriteMedia($cgi->param("Category")); WriteMessage("Wrote Database to file."); } else { FatalError("Unable to write database to file, no Category specified - This may be a bug."); } } } } sub EditFileType { ReadFileTypes(); my $class = DecodeURL($cgi->param("class")); my $ext = lc(DecodeURL($cgi->param("extension"))); my $code = DecodeURL($cgi->param("code")); my $open = $cgi->param("fileopen"); my $oldclass = DecodeURL($cgi->param("oldclass")); my $oldext = lc(DecodeURL($cgi->param("oldext"))); if($oldclass ne $class) { delete $FileExts{"$oldclass"}; delete $FileCode{"$oldclass"}; delete $FileOpen{"$oldclass"}; } if($oldext ne $ext) { delete $FileClass{"$oldext"}; } $FileClass{"$ext"} = $class; $FileExts{"$class"} = $ext; $FileCode{"$class"} = $code; $FileOpen{"$class"} = $open; WriteFileTypes(); WriteMessage("Saved Changes to File Type: $class"); } sub DeleteFileType { ReadFileTypes(); my $class = DecodeURL($cgi->param("class")); my $ext = lc(DecodeURL($cgi->param("extension"))); delete $FileClass{"$extension"}; delete $FileExts{"$class"}; delete $FileCode{"$class"}; delete $FileOpen{"$class"}; WriteFileTypes(); WriteMessage("Deleted File Type: $class"); } sub AddFileType { ReadFileTypes(); my $class = DecodeURL($cgi->param("class")); my $ext = lc(DecodeURL($cgi->param("extension"))); my $code = DecodeURL($cgi->param("code")); my $open = $cgi->param("fileopen"); @keys = keys(%FileClass); foreach $key (@keys) { if($key eq $ext) { FatalError("Unable to create new file type!
Reason: A file type by that extension already exists!"); } } $FileClass{$ext} = $class; $FileExts{$class} = $ext; $FileCode{$class} = $code; $FileOpen{$class} = $open; WriteFileTypes(); WriteMessage("Added File Type: $class"); } sub SaveStyleSettings { $BodyBGColor = $cgi->param("BGColor"); $FontColor = $cgi->param("TextColor"); $LinkColor = $cgi->param("LinkColor"); $ActiveLinkColor = $cgi->param("ActiveLinkColor"); $VisitedLinkColor = $cgi->param("VisitedLinkColor"); $TableBorderColor = $cgi->param("TableBorderColor"); $TableHeaderTextColor = $cgi->param("TableHeaderTextColor"); $TableHeaderColor = $cgi->param("TableHeaderColor"); $TableHeader2Color = $cgi->param("TableHeader2Color"); $TableBodyColor = $cgi->param("TableBodyColor"); $CopyrightFontColor = $cgi->param("CopyrightTextColor"); $TitleTextColor = $cgi->param("TitleFontColor"); $PageColumns = $cgi->param("PageColumns"); $PageRows = $cgi->param("PageRows"); $MaxPerPage = $PageColumns * $PageRows; $ThumbPrefix = $cgi->param("ThumbPrefix"); $ThumbSuffix = $cgi->param("ThumbSuffix"); $SortValues = join("|", split(/\n/, $cgi->param("SortValues"))); $DefaultSort = $cgi->param("DefaultSort"); $DisplaySort = $cgi->param("DisplaySort"); $DisplayUserOptions = $cgi->param("DisplayUserOptions"); $UseSkin = $cgi->param("UseSkins"); $DefaultSkin = $cgi->param("DefaultSkin"); $FontFace = $cgi->param("FontFace"); $TableWidth = $cgi->param("TableWidth"); $FontSize = $cgi->param("FontSize"); $CategoryName = $cgi->param("CategoryName"); $CategoryNamePlural = $cgi->param("CategoryNamePlural"); $SiteTitle = $cgi->param("SiteTitle"); $SiteUrl = $cgi->param("SiteUrl"); $GalleryTitle = $cgi->param("GalleryTitle"); $BodyBGImage = $cgi->param("PageBackground"); $PageTitleGraphic = $cgi->param("TitleGraphic"); $StyleSheet = $cgi->param("StyleSheet"); $StyleLink = $cgi->param("StyleLink"); $PageHeader = DecodeURL($cgi->param("Header")); $PageFooter = DecodeURL($cgi->param("Footer")); WriteGalleryConfig(); WriteMessage("Gallery Style Settings Saved."); } sub SaveDisplayOptions { $ImageDisplay = DecodeURL($cgi->param("imagecode")); $ThumbDisplay = DecodeURL($cgi->param("thumbcode")); WriteGalleryConfig(); WriteMessage("Saved Image Display Options."); } sub SaveUser { my $new = shift; LoadProfile($cgi->param("username")); $UserProfile[1] = $cgi->param("password"); $UserProfile[2] = $cgi->param("email"); $UserProfile[4] = $cgi->param("name"); #Now permissions... my $newperm = ""; if($cgi->param("AdminAccess") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("EditGeneralSettings") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("EditCategories") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("AddNewMedia") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("EditMedia") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("ManageFileTypes") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("ModifyStyle") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("ModifyImageDisplay") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("EditUsers") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("EditGroups") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("UploadMedia") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } if($cgi->param("UploadMediaWithWait") eq "ON") { $newperm = $newperm."1"; } else { $newperm = $newperm."0"; } $UserProfile[15] = $newperm; my $newgroups = join("|", split(/\n/, $cgi->param("groups"))); $newgroups =~ s/\s//g; $UserProfile[16] = $newgroups; if($new) { $UserProfile[14] = GetDateTime(); $UserProfile[17] = "0"; $username = $cgi->param('username'); $email = $cgi->param('email'); if (($username =~ m/^\s/) || ($username =~ m/\ /) || ($username =~ m/\s$/) || ($username =~ m/\s{2,}/) || ($username =~ m/\|\!/) || ($username =~ m/\|/) || ($username =~ m/\|$/) || ($username =~ m/^\|/) || ($username =~ m/\"/) || ($email =~ m/\s/) || ($username =~ m/>|The User Name you attempted to register is illegal for one of the following reasons:

1. You may not begin or end a User Name with a space.

2. You may not have two or more consecutive spaces.

3. You may not use a name with a pipestem followed by an exclamation point.

4. You may not use a name with a pipestem.

5. You may not use any quotation marks.

6. Your email address must not contain any spaces.

7. You may not use a name that contains a < and a > .

8. You may not use a name that contains memberslist or emailfile.

9. You must start and end your username with an English letter or number or one of the following symbols: !, ?, #, $, @, *, &, ^, +, -, \~, :, ], [, '.

10. You may not include a semicolon.

10. You may not use the names emaillist, userlist or groups.

Use your back button to try again.
~; FatalError($message); } if(UserExists($username) eq "true") { FatalError("Sorry, but the Username: $username already exists."); } if(EmailExists($email) eq "true") { FatalError("Sorry, but that Email aready exists."); } $name = $cgi->param("name"); $password = $cgi->param("password"); InsertUser($newperm, $newgroups); WriteMessage("Created New User: $username"); } else { SaveProfile(); } } sub SetDefaultGroup { $DefaultGroup = $cgi->param("group"); WriteGalleryConfig(); WriteMessage("Default Group Saved."); } ############################################################### # ModifyCategoryOrder() # This function takes the new order created by the edit all # categories page and maps it to the existing order, then # depending on what's different, writes it all to the order # files. This function has to do a lot of work... ############################################################### sub ModifyCategoryOrder { require $ScriptPath.$slash."categories.cgi"; ReadCategories(); my @Modified = (); my $Total = 0; my $NumModified = 0; #read new orders passed and see which ones have been modified for(my $counter = 0; $counter < @CategoryList; $counter++) { if($cgi->param("oldorder$counter") ne $cgi->param("neworder$counter") && $Modified[$counter] ne "yes") { #found one that was modified, open up categoryorder.cgi for that cat my @Dirs = split(/\//, $CategoryList[$counter]->{PATH}); $Parent = ""; for(my $dircounter = 0; $dircounter < @Dirs; $dircounter++) { #find parent and current directory if($Dirs[$dircounter + 1] ne "" && $Dirs[$dircounter] ne "") { $Parent = $Parent.$slash.$Dirs[$dircounter]; } else { $CurrentDirectory = $Dirs[$dircounter]; } } $Parent = $Parent.$slash; unless(chdir("$MediaPath$Parent")) { FatalError("Unable to change working directory to $MediaPath$Parent
Reason: $!"); } @DirEntries = (); $dircount = 0; #There are 2 ways to find the categories in a directory, do a directory search or read in the #categoryorder.cgi file. For this function I originally was going to do both, but really only #the directory sort is needed. I'm not completely positive that I want to stay this way so #I'm leaving in the categoryorder.cgi read. #if(!(-e "categoryorder.cgi")) { #WriteMessage("categoryorder.cgi does not exists, using directory search."); #This section of code below needs to be used if categoryorder.cgi does not exist. @tempentries = FindDirectories("$MediaPath$Parent"); #get rid of directories that aren't categories... foreach $temp (@tempentries) { #WriteMessage("Found directory entry: $temp"); @catdata = (); @catdata = ReadCatInfo("$MediaPath$Parent$temp"); @NewDir = (); push(@NewDir, $temp); push(@NewDir, $catdata[0]); $DirEntries[$dircount] = [@NewDir]; $dircount++; } #} else { # WriteMessage("Searching categoryorder.cgi"); # $fh = OpenFile("categoryorder.cgi", "read"); # while(<$fh>) { # $line = $_; # chomp($line); # @NewDir = (); # @NewDir = split(/\|/, $line); # $DirEntries[$dircount] = [@NewDir]; # $dircount++; # } # CloseFile(\*$fh); #} #for(my $temp = 0; $temp < @DirEntries; $temp++) { # WriteMessage("DirEntries[$temp][0] = $DirEntries[$temp][0]
DirEntries[$temp][1] = $DirEntries[$temp][1]"); #} #now find all categories in the list that exist in this directory and assign to an array indexed by the same #value as the category list index, the new order to be used. for(my $dircounter = 0; $dircounter < @DirEntries; $dircounter++) { for(my $catcounter = 0; $catcounter < @CategoryList; $catcounter++) { if($CategoryList[$catcounter]->{NAME} eq $DirEntries[$dircounter][1] && $Modified[$catcounter] ne "yes") { $Total++; $Modified[$catcounter] = $cgi->param("neworder$catcounter"); last; } } } # go through and create a max value array to see if any sort index is used more than once. my @UsedIndexes = (); foreach $mod (@Modified) { if($mod ne "") { $UsedIndexes[$mod]++; } } # now check that index, exit if need be for(my $index = 0; $index < @UsedIndexes; $index++) { #WriteMessage("Index = $index"); if($UsedIndexes[$index] > 1) { #WriteMessage("Unable to complete category order change.
Category: $CategoryList[$Modified[$index]]->{NAME} was given the same index as one other."); WriteMessage("Unable to complete category order change.
Multiple Categories had the same index."); if($NumModified > 0) { WriteMessage("$NumModified Categories where successfully modified, Rebuilding All Categories."); BuildCatData(); } return; } } # Create the new order array to be written to categoryorder.cgi, both the directory name and category name are needed. @NewOrder = (); for(my $dircounter = 0; $dircounter < @Modified; $dircounter++) { if($Modified[$dircounter] ne "yes" && $Modified[$dircounter] ne "") { my @Dirs = split(/\//, $CategoryList[$dircounter]->{PATH}); for(my $dircounter = 0; $dircounter < @Dirs; $dircounter++) { if($Dirs[$dircounter + 1] eq "" && $Dirs[$dircounter] ne "") { $ThisDir = "/".$Dirs[$dircounter]."/"; } } $NewOrder[$Modified[$dircounter]] = "$ThisDir\|$CategoryList[$dircounter]->{NAME}"; $Modified[$dircounter] = "yes"; } } #for(my $dircounter = 0; $dircounter < @NewOrder; $dircounter++) { # WriteMessage("NewOrder[$dircounter] = $NewOrder[$dircounter]"); #} #Finally go and write the new array to file. $file = $MediaPath.$Parent."categoryorder.cgi"; $fh = OpenFile("$file", "write"); foreach $order (@NewOrder) { if ($order ne "") { print $fh "$order\n"; } } CloseFile(\*$fh); chmod(0666, "categoryorder.cgi"); $NumModified += $Total; $Total = 0; } } WriteMessage("Modified the order of $NumModified categories."); BuildCatData(); } ############################################################### # LoadDefaultConfig() # Fills the config variables with default data ############################################################### sub LoadDefaultConfig { $GalleryPath = qq($dpath); $MediaPath = qq($GalleryPath/categories); $MemberPath = qq($GalleryPath/members); $ScriptPath = qq($GalleryPath/scripts); $SkinPath = qq($GalleryPath/skins); $WaitingPath = qq($GalleryPath/waiting); $ConfigCgi = "config.cgi"; $GalleryCgi = "gallery.cgi"; $GalleryUrl = qq(); $MediaUrl = qq(categories); $SkinUrl = qq(skins); $WaitingUrl = qq(waiting); $FontColor = qq(#000000); $CopyrightFontColor = qq(#D2D2D2); $FontFace = qq(Verdana,Arial); $FontSize = qq(1); $LinkColor = qq(#ff00ff); $ActiveLinkColor = qq(#ff0000); $VisitedLinkColor = qq(#ff0000); $PageHeader = qq(); $PageFooter = qq(); $BodyBGColor = qq(#ffffff); $BodyBGImage = qq(); $StyleSheet = qq(A:link, A:active{text-decoration : none; color : #000080; background : transparent;} A:visited{text-decoration : none; color : #000080; background : transparent;} A:hover{text-decoration : underline; color : #000080; background : transparent;}); $SiteTitle = qq(Site Title); $GalleryTitle = qq(Gallery Title); $PageColumns = 2; $PageRows = 2; $MaxPerPage = 4; $ThumbPrefix = qq(t); $ThumbSuffix = qq(); $TableWidth = qq(600); $TableBorderColor = qq(#000000); $TableHeaderColor = qq(#587CA0); $TableHeader2Color = qq(#A2A2A2); $TableBodyColor = qq(#C0C0C0); $TableHeaderTextColor = qq(#000000); $CopyrightColor = qq(#ffff00); $TitleTextColor = qq(#000000); $TitleGraphic = qq(scripttitle.gif); $ImageDisplay = qq(

); $ThumbDisplay = qq(


); $CookieExpires = qq(+1d); $CookieName = qq(imagearcadia); $DefaultSort = qq(filename); $CategoryName = qq(Category); $CategoryNamePlural = qq(Categories); $UseSkin = qq(false); $DefaultSkin = qq(default); $DefaultThumbType = qq(jpg); $PageTitleGraphic = qq(skins/scripttitle.gif); $DisplayUserOptions = qq(true); } ############################################################### # WriteGalleryConfig() # Writes the main configuration values to the config file. # Expects the values to have already been stored in the # respective variables. ############################################################### sub WriteGalleryConfig { $fh = OpenFile("uig.cfg", "write"); #Style Settings print $fh '$BodyBGColor = qq('."$BodyBGColor".");\n"; print $fh '$FontColor = qq('."$FontColor".");\n"; print $fh '$LinkColor = qq('."$LinkColor".");\n"; print $fh '$ActiveLinkColor = qq('."$ActiveLinkColor".");\n"; print $fh '$VisitedLinkColor = qq('."$VisitedLinkColor".");\n"; print $fh '$TableBorderColor = qq('."$TableBorderColor".");\n"; print $fh '$TableHeaderTextColor = qq('."$TableHeaderTextColor".");\n"; print $fh '$TableHeaderColor = qq('."$TableHeaderColor".");\n"; print $fh '$TableHeader2Color = qq('."$TableHeader2Color".");\n"; print $fh '$TableBodyColor = qq('."$TableBodyColor".");\n"; print $fh '$CopyrightFontColor = qq('."$CopyrightFontColor".");\n"; print $fh '$TitleTextColor = qq('."$TitleTextColor".");\n"; print $fh '$PageColumns = qq('."$PageColumns".");\n"; print $fh '$PageRows = qq('."$PageRows".");\n"; print $fh '$MaxPerPage = qq('."$MaxPerPage".");\n"; print $fh '$ThumbPrefix = qq('."$ThumbPrefix".");\n"; print $fh '$ThumbSuffix = qq('."$ThumbSuffix".");\n"; print $fh '$SortValues = qq('."$SortValues".");\n"; print $fh '$DefaultSort = qq('."$DefaultSort".");\n"; print $fh '$DisplaySort = qq('."$DisplaySort".");\n"; print $fh '$DisplayUserOptions = qq('."$DisplayUserOptions".");\n"; print $fh '$UseSkin = qq('."$UseSkin".')'.";\n"; print $fh '$DefaultSkin = qq('."$DefaultSkin".')'.";\n"; print $fh '$FontFace = qq('."$FontFace".");\n"; print $fh '$TableWidth = qq('."$TableWidth".");\n"; print $fh '$FontSize = qq('."$FontSize".");\n"; print $fh '$CategoryName = qq('."$CategoryName".");\n"; print $fh '$CategoryNamePlural = qq('."$CategoryNamePlural".");\n"; print $fh '$SiteTitle = qq('."$SiteTitle".");\n"; print $fh '$SiteUrl = qq('."$SiteUrl".");\n"; print $fh '$GalleryTitle = qq('."$GalleryTitle".");\n"; print $fh '$BodyBGImage = qq('."$BodyBGImage".");\n"; print $fh '$PageTitleGraphic = qq('."$PageTitleGraphic".");\n"; print $fh '$StyleSheet = qq('."$StyleSheet".");\n"; print $fh '$StyleLink = qq('."$StyleLink".");\n"; print $fh '$PageHeader = qq('."$PageHeader".");\n"; print $fh '$PageFooter = qq('."$PageFooter".");\n"; #Paths $GalleryPath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $MediaPath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $MemberPath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $ScriptPath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $SkinPath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $WaitingPath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; print $fh '$GalleryPath = qq('."$GalleryPath".");\n"; print $fh '$MediaPath = qq('."$MediaPath".");\n"; print $fh '$MemberPath = qq('."$MemberPath".");\n"; print $fh '$ScriptPath = qq('."$ScriptPath".");\n"; print $fh '$SkinPath = qq('."$SkinPath".");\n"; print $fh '$WaitingPath = qq('."$WaitingPath".");\n"; print $fh '$MediaUrl = qq('."$MediaUrl".");\n"; print $fh '$GalleryUrl = qq('."$GalleryUrl".");\n"; print $fh '$SkinUrl = qq('."$SkinUrl".");\n"; print $fh '$WaitingUrl = qq('."$WaitingUrl".");\n"; print $fh '$ConfigCgi = qq('."$ConfigCgi".");\n"; print $fh '$GalleryCgi = qq('."$GalleryCgi".");\n"; #Misc options print $fh '$ImageDisplay = qq('."$ImageDisplay".");\n"; print $fh '$ThumbDisplay = qq('."$ThumbDisplay".");\n"; print $fh '$CookieExpires = qq('."$CookieExpires".");\n"; print $fh '$CookieName = qq('."$CookieName".");\n"; print $fh '$MaxUpload = qq('."$MaxUpload".");\n"; print $fh '$DefaultGroup = qq('."$DefaultGroup".");\n"; print $fh '$DefaultThumbType = qq('."$DefaultThumbType".");\n"; CloseFile(\*$fh); chmod(0666, "uig.cfg"); }