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Animations of the Central Cone

If you have a Java-capable browser, you might like to try one of the interactive versions of the central cone The following animations are provided in several formats. Usually, MPEG and QuickTime players allow you to start and stop the animation at any point, and to step through it one frame at a time; this format is also more compressed, so the files are smaller and quicker to transfer. On the other hand, these formats require a browser plug-in or external program. The animated GIF format does not need any extra software, but it does not allow you to start or stop the animation.

Apple's Quicktime plug-in will play MPEG and QuickTime movies; there are free versions for both the Macintosh and on the PC. You may need QuickTime version 4 in order to play some of these movies.

If a movie plays too quickly, you may need to step through it one frame at a time. See the documentation for your movie player for instructions on how to do this.

This animation shows the cornucopia spining around in space. This gives you a better idea of the shape of the object, and the optical illusion apparent in the view shown on the poster.

This animation shows the cornucopia progressing from the 0-dimensional points, through the 1-dimensional line segment, the 2-dimensional strip, and finally the 3-dimensional cone.

[MATH FORUM] Math Awareness Month 2000
Last modified: Apr 5, 2000 1:17:15 PM
Comments to: thomas_banchoff@brown.edu
Hosted by: The Math Forum
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