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Response from Prof. B. to Week 3 Comments

Congratulations on a successful web entry, even after all the problems of the server being down a good portion of the weekend.

I agree that slicing is a great way to approach the visualization of objects, precisely because of the dynamism that is involved. If you see a particular slice, you can try to imagine what came before and what will come next. Of course sometimes that is quite ambiguous, but the exercise almost always provides some new insights into what is going on.

I also agree that the cylinder and the cone are extremely interesting, among other things because they are so simple from one viewpoint and so rich from others. It is nice to see the cutting plane rotate so that the image changes from an ellipse to a parabola to a hyperbola for example.

What about some other less regular three-dimensional shapes? The more we understand them, the better we can approach the next challenges.

Prof. B. uESiCESiAESiQEDelERenEGetEPutEhidebeepgaszhostifa-Black~brevecaron circumflex dotaccent hun_b @&'(018klmnrj5=OW_!!!!!  ___Pb_ &p&r9:HH(EG(HH(d'`=/R@H-:LaserWriter 8 New York^^^E[E/AW3.htmlThomas BanchoffThomas Banchoff