Math 102: Single Variable Calculus II

MWF 9:00-9:50, Herman Brown 227

The main textbook is James Stewart, Calculus Early Transcendentals, 6th edition (with WebAssign). A custom version with the chapters relevant for this course is available at the bookstore, with the title Single Variable Calculus I & II

Recitations: Tuesday and Thursdays, 7-9PM, in Herzstein 212, TA's James Cooper, Jacob Fillman, and Andy Huang. My office hour schedule is here.

Assessment: The final grade will be based on regular homework assignments (20%), three in-class tests (15% each), and a comprehensive final exam (35%). If the score on the final exam is higher than the score on any of the three tests, your lowest test score will be replaced by your final exam score. Books, notes, and calculators will not be allowed on tests or exams.

Schedule: The course schedule is available here; midterms are scheduled for the classes of Sept. 20, Oct. 22, and Nov. 10. The final exam has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 8, 7-10 PM. Department policy is that students are not allowed to take final exams early to accommodate holiday travel plans.

Attendance: I expect you to attend every class and to arrive on time. It is your responsibility to keep informed of any announcements made during scheduled classes. I will do my best to post announcements in a timely manner on WebAssign. However, you are still responsible for all class announcements, not just those that get posted to the web site.

Homework: The majority of assignments will completed using the WebAssign website. Each student needs to sign up for a WebAssign account and get familiar with it as soon as possible; a sample is available here. Our class key is rice 2244 8244. If you have any difficulties with WebAssign just let me know. The homework problems come from the text but are put in an appropriate form so that they can be completed online. You will get immediate feedback on the correctness of your answers. Make sure you understand the solution to a problem before typing in your answer.
I recommend having a separate notebook for writing complete solutions to homework problems. Imagine that a fellow student will be reading your homework to study for an exam; your work should be detailed enough to be useful.
The homework is not pledged and you can collaborate with other students in the class; however, you may not use computer programs or symbolic calculators to find your answers.

ADA statement: If you have a documented disability that will impact your work in this class, please contact me to discuss necessary accommodations. Additionally, you will need to register with the Disability Support Services Office in the Ley Student Center.

Contact information:
Brendan Hassett
Office: Herman Brown 402
Phone: (713) 348-5261
Office hours: TBA