Math 366: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry

MWF 3:00PM, HB 227

Course announcement

Office hours: M 1:00PM, W 10:00AM, F 4:00PM

Euclidean and non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History, 3rd. edition, by Marvin Jay Greenberg

There will be occaisonal handouts

Weekly problem sets (45%): These are generally due on Mondays, but the first assignment is due January 22 because of the Martin Luther King holiday. They should be turned in during class.

Midterm exam (20%): To be given in class on Wednesday, February 12.

Final exam (35%): A closed book, three-hour, take-home exam.

Any student with a documented disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with me during the first two weeks of class. All discussions will remain confidential. Students with disabilities will need to also contact Disability Support Services in the Ley Student Center.

Contact information:
Brendan Hassett
Herman Brown 422
(713) 348-5261