8.8: Theorema Egregium

Properties of surfaces in space that only depend on the metric coefficients gij are called intrinsic . We have seen that such properties include the angle between two different smooth curves through a point, the area of a region, and the lengths of parametrized curves. We have also introduced several extrinsic properties, which depend on how a surface lies in space and cannot be calculated from the metric coefficients alone. The coefficients of the Weingarten Map, the coefficients of the second fundamental form, and the principal curvatures are all extrinsic. It turns out, however, that some of the properties initially defined using extrinsic concepts are in fact intrinsic. This leads us to one of the major theorems in differential geometry, Gauss' Theorema Egregium.

In lab 6, we defined two properties of a surface: the Gaussian curvature Κ(u,v), and the mean curvature H(u,v). The natural question to ask is whether these are extrinsic or intrinsic properties of a surface. Note that surfaces that have the same metric coefficients also share the same intrinsic proprties. Take, for example, the case of the catenoid X(u,v) = (cosh(v)cos(u), cosh(v)sin(u), v) and the helicoid Y(u,v) = (-sinh(v)sin(u), sinh(v)cos(u), -u) , which are two minimal surfaces that have the same metric coefficients. If we calculate the Gaussian and mean curvatures, we find that Κ(u,v) = -1/cosh4(v) and H(u,v) = 0 for both surfaces. Looking at this example by itself, we might be led to believe that Κ(u,v) and H(u,v) are both intrinsic quantities. A second example, however, proves that this is not a valid conclusion. Consider this time the case of a plane X(u,v) = (u, v, 0) and a circular cylinder Y(u,v) = (cos(u), sin(u), v). These two surfaces have the same metric coefficients and the same Gaussian curvature Κ(u,v) = 0. However, the mean curvature for the plane is H(u,v) = 0, while the mean curvature for the circular cylinder is H(u,v) = 1/2. This means that mean curvature does not depend solely on the metric coefficients and must, therefore, be an extrinsic property. The Gaussian curvature, on the other hand, is the same for both surfaces, which gives further evidence to support the claim that:

The Gaussian curvature Κ(u,v) is intrinsic and can be computed using the metric coefficients

This is known as Gauss' Theorema Egregium, and the goal of this section is to actually write down an intrinsic formula for Κ(u,v) in terms of the metric coefficients.

The Christoffel Symbols

Consider a regular surface X(u,v). The partial derivative vectors and the normal vector form a basis for 3-space. Because of this, the second partial derivative vectors can be expressed as linear combinations of Xu(u,v), Xv(u,v), and N(u,v).

Xuu = Γ111Xu + Γ112Xv + L11N
Xuv = Γ121Xu + Γ122Xv + L12N
Xvv = Γ221Xu + Γ222Xv + L22N

These three equation can be written more concisely as:

Xij = Γij1X1 + Γij2X2 + LijN

We stated earlier that the dot product of the second partial derivative vectors with the normal vector yield the coefficients of the second fundamental form Lij. The coefficients Γijm in front of the two partial derivative terms are known as the Christoffel symbols of the second kind.

At this point we introduce a lemma that will be useful in proving the Theorema Egregium.

Lemma: The Christoffel symbols are intrinsic, dependent on gij

To show that this lemma is true, we define the Christoffel symbols of the first kind as:

Γij, k · Xk = (1/2)(∂gjk/∂ui + ∂gik/∂uj - ∂gij/∂uk)

By comparing this definition with the three equations for the second partial derivatives, we can write down the relationship between the Christoffel symbols of the first kind and the second kind:

Γijmgmk = Γij, k

Since the Christoffel symbols of the first kind are intrinsic by their definition, the Christoffel symbols of the second kind are also instrinsic. Consequently, we can likewise express them in terms of the metric coefficients. Note that in the case of a surface X(u,v), with two parameters, the indices i, j, and m can take on only two values, 1 or 2.

Γ111 = (1/2g11)(∂g11/∂u)                               Γ112 = (-1/2g22)(∂g11/∂v)
Γ121 = (1/2g11)(∂g11/∂v)                               Γ122 = (1/2g22)(∂g22/∂u)
Γ221 = (-1/2g11)(∂g22/∂u)                              Γ222 = (1/2g22)(∂g22/∂v)  

The Intrinsic Formula for Gaussian Curvature

Having defined the Christoffel symbols in terms of the metric coefficients, we derive the following intrinsic formula for Gaussian curvature:

Κ(u,v) = -(1/2g)(g11)22 - (1/2g)(g22)11 - (Γ111Γ221 - Γ121Γ211)/g22 - (Γ112Γ222 - Γ122Γ212)/g11

The derivation of the above result can be seen here. By substituting in the equations for the Christoffel symbols and then simplifying, we get a more compact version of this formula.

Κ(u,v) = - (1/2√g)[∂/∂v(1/√g · (∂g11/∂v)) + ∂/∂u(1/√g · (∂g22/∂u))]


    1. Show that the two intrinsic formulas given for Gaussian curvature are equivalent.

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