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Jeff Beall '96

During my freshman year, I had the pleasure of taking Multi-Variable Calculus from Professor Banchoff. That class was one of the best experiences I had a Brown because of the sheer quality of the lectures. What also impressed me were the sessions we had over in the Computer Science building's "Sun Lab," where we got to manipulate in realtime the functions we had just discussed in class. I found Professor Banchoff's focus on the world of computer graphics and visualization really engaging and it made me want to work with him as an assistant.

Out of that initial interest, Professor Banchoff and I developed a relationship as image-makers. I became his cinematographer during my time at Brown, helping him explore surface visualizations with color, lighting, and camera work. This resulted in a number of still pieces, and an animated "fly through" of the Klein bottle. Looking back, I wish we could redo those projects using today's computer graphics technology, but I wouldn't change anything about the experience of getting to work with Professor Banchoff. More than anything else, his enthusiasm for the creative process and the way he blended art with science are the things that impacted me the most.

— Jeff Beall
October 2003

Jeff was a Computer Science major at Brown. As an assistant of Banchoff's, he worked on the images presented to Dirk Struik on his 100th birthday, which later became part of the art show Surfaces Beyond the Third Dimension. This project also included Cathy Stenson, Julia Steinberger, Neel Maden, and Ying Wang (from Mount Holyoke College). Jeff was the primary architect for the Klein bottle film, including the musical background.

After leaving Brown in 1997 to join Silicon Graphics in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he worked for two years on high-end digital media software. After that, he joined PDI/DreamWorks and has been there ever since. Jeff is currently the Lead Technical Director for Shrek2, a computer animated feature film that is due in theaters next summer.

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Created: 26 Oct 2003
Last modified: Oct 31, 2003 11:00:24 AM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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