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Michael Holleran '78

I was a teaching assistant and research assistant back in ≈1978. I'm not a mathematician but an historian, and mostly I helped track down Edwin Abbott Abbott and try to put him in the perspective of England in his time.

What I got out of working with Tom: a lot of things, but I'd say the main one was an appreciation for teaching. That's part of the whole enterprise of higher dimensions for non-mathematicians — I got to explain myself a lot — but I remember also a particular exercise in his class. He had each of us take a topic to teach. I got relativity. I learned more preparing for a fifteen-minute talk than I'd ever learned about anything.

I also designed some 4-D juggling routines, though I haven't had a chance to try them out.

Now I teach in the Planning & Design department at the University of Colorado, Denver. I'm still an historian, and I run our Graduate Program in Historic Preservation.

— Michael Holleran
October 2003

[HOME] TFBCON2003 Web Pages
Created: 11 Oct 2003
Last modified: 25 Oct 2003 15:38:11
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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