Labware - MA35 Multivariable Calculus - Three Variable Calculus



Conservative Vector Fields


A vector field F(p,q,r) = (p(x,y,z),q(x,y,z),r(x,y,z)) is called conservative if there exists a function f(x,y,z) such that F = ∇f.

If a three-dimensional vector field F(p,q,r) is conservative, then py = qx, pz = rx, and qz = ry.

Since F is conservative, F = ∇f for some function f and p = fx, q = fy, and r = fz. By the equality of mixed partials,

py = fxy = fyx = qx,

pz = fxz = fzx = rx,

qz = fyz = fzy = ry.

If a three-dimensional vector field F(p,q,r) is conservative, then its curl is identically zero.

Using the previous part,

\nabla \times F = \left| \begin{array} \vec{i} & \vec{j} & \vec{k} \\ \frac{d}{dx} & \frac{d}{dy} & \frac{d}{dz} \\ p & q & r \end{array} \right| = (r_y - q_z, p_z - r_x, q_x - p_y) = (0,0,0).



  • 1. For each of the following, use the demo to determine whether or not the vector field F is conservative. If it is conservative, find the potential function of F.
    • F = (x, y, z)
    • F = (y - z, x + z, x + 2*y)
    • F = ( 1, 1, z)
    • F = (cos(x), sin(y), arctan(z))
    • F = (x/(x2+y2+z2), y/(x2+y2+z2), z/(x2+y2+z2))
    • F = ( 0, 0, -9.8)
  • 2. In the 2-Variable lab on conservative fields, you have the option of plotting a surface that represents a function whose gradient is the vector field. Why will that not work for 3 variables? What could be used instead?