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Joanna Kelley '03

Joanna took the interactive differential geometry course from Banchoff when she was a freshman. Several years later Banchoff and Joanna developed a project that would involve her mathematical and biological interests. The goal was to design labs that more closely resemble biology labs for Banchoff's differential geometry course. Joanna also designed three-dimensional demonstrations (demos) that are implemented with the labs. The culmination of the project was the production of a comprehensive guide to the demos. This included documenting the total functionality of the demos and creating a massive document for students, professors and other users to understand and navigate the demo software quickly and easily. Currently, Joanna is a first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Washington in Genome Sciences with a focus on Computational Biology.

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Created: 26 Oct 2003
Last modified: Oct 29, 2003 12:46:26 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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