MA0106: Differential Geometry

Differential geometry is the study of objects of various dimensions, using the tools of differential calculus and linear algebra. In all parts of this course, we will be concerned with the concept of curvature, a notion that describes deviation from straightness or flatness. The structure of the course will emphasize the ways in which this central concept appears in all dimensions.

Lab 1: Local Theory of Plane Curves
Lab 2: Theory of Plane Curves, Continued
Lab 3: Local Theory of Space Curves
Lab 4: Theory of Space Curves, Continued
Lab 5: Local Theory of Surfaces
Lab 6: Extrinsic Theory of Surfaces
Lab 7: The Normal Map and Gaussian Curvature
Lab 8: Normal and Geodesic Curvature
Lab 9: The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem