Labware - MA35 Multivariable Calculus - Two Variable Calculus



Slice Curves (Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 )


We can generalize slice curves by considering the slice above any line (y - y0) = m(x - x0).



  • 1. Analyze the slices of the general quadratic function f(x,y) = Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy2 for various values of A, B, and C. For which A, B, and C will the range consist of all real numbers? All non-negative numbers? All non-positive numbers?
  • 2. Analyze the function f(x,y) = x2*y/(x4 + y2) for (x,y) ≠ (0,0) and f(0,0) = 0. What can be said about the restriction of this funciton to a line y = mx through the origin? What is the range of this function, and at what points will the maximum value be taken on?