Labware - MA35 Multivariable Calculus - Two Variable Calculus



Line Integrals, Circulation, and Flux


If C(t) = (x(t),y(t)), α ≤t≤β is a parametrized curve in the plane, then the velocity vector C'(t) is given by C'(t) = x'(t),y'(t)) with length equal to the speed = s'(t) = √(x'(t)2 + y'(t)2). The unit tangent vector is defined to be T(t) = C'(t)/s'(t). and the unit normal vector is defined to be N(t) = (y'(t),-x'(t))/s'(t).

If V = (p(x,y),q(x,y)) is a differentiable vector field in the plane, then the circulation of V along C is defined to be the integral
C V⋅T ds = ∫αβ (p(x(t),y(t)),q(x(t),y(t))⋅((x'(t),y'(t))/s'(t))s'(t) dt
= ∫αβ p(x(t),y(t))x'(t) +q(x(t),y(t))y'(t) dt
= ∫C p(x,y)dx + q(x,y)dy.

If V = (p(x,y),q(x,y)) is a differentiable vector field in the plane, then the flux of V across C is defined to be the integral
C V⋅N ds = ∫αβ (p(x(t),y(t)),q(x(t),y(t))⋅((y'(t),-x'(t))/s'(t)) s'(t) dt
= ∫αβ p(x(t),y(t))y'(t) -q(x(t),y(t))x'(t) dt
= ∫C- q(x,y)dx.+ p(x,y)dy
