Labware - MA35 Multivariable Calculus - Three Variable Calculus



Stokes' Theorem for Function Graphs (Page: 1 | 2 )


Proof of Stokes' Theorem (continued):

We have expressed the integrals of Pdx and Qdy over the boundary of some surface S as double integrals over S. Now suppose we want to consider the integral of some function R(x, y, z) with respect to z over the same boundary.

Let us first consider how this would work for the domain a≤x≤b, c≤y≤d.

Along the parts of the function graph of z(x, y) which lie above horizontal line segments (segments of the lines y = c and y = d), only x is changing. If we move along one of these curves a distance dx, the change dz in z is given by dz = zx(x, y)*dx.

We have found a way to express some integral with respect to z as an integral with respect to x. Specifically, rather than integrating R with respect to z over the boundary, we can integrate R*zx(x, y) with respect to x over the boundary.

To relate this integral to a double integral, first consider two points, one with y = c and one with y = d, which have the same x value, x0. The change in R*zx(x, y) from (x0, c, z(x0, c)) to (x0, d, z(x0, d)) is given by

R(x0, d, z(x0, d))*zx(x0, d) - R(x0, c, z(x0, c))*zx(x0, c) = ∫cd(∂(R(x0, y, z(x0, y))*zx(x0, y))/∂y)*dy

Use the product rule to evaluate the partial derivative on the right side of the equation:

R(x0, d, z(x0, d))*zx(x0, d) - R(x0, c, z(x0, c))*zx(x0, c) = ∫cd(R(x0, y, z(x0, y)))*zyx(x0, y)) + (Ry(x0, y, z(x0, y)))*zx(x0, y))*dy

Integrate this result with respect to x from x = a to x = b:

abR(x, d, z(x, d))*zx(x, d)*dx - ∫abR(x, c, z(x, c))*zx(x, c)*dx = ∫abcd(R(x, y, z(x, y)))*zyx(x, y) + (Ry(x, y, z(x, y)))*zx(x, y)*dydx

Now multiply by -1 and apply Fubini's theorem:

abR(x, c, z(x, c))*zx(x, c)*dx - ∫abR(x, d, z(x, d))*zx(x, d)*dx = ∫abcd-(R(x, y, z(x, y)))*zyx(x, y) + (Ry(x, y, z(x, y)))*-zx(x, y)*dxdy

If we apply a similar process to the parts of the function graph that lie above the segments of the lines x = a and x = b, we get the following result:

cdR(b, y, z(b, y))*zy(b, y)*dy - ∫cdR(a, y, z(a, y))*zy(a, y)*dy = ∫abcd(R(x, y, z(x, y)))*zxy(x, y) - (Rx(x, y, z(x, y)))*-zy(x, y)*dxdy

If we add these last two equations together, there are two important observations that will simplify the result. The first is that the four integrals on the left side are equivalent to the integral of Rdz over the boundary for counterclockwise travel. The second is that, due to equality of mixed partials, two terms on the right side of the equation will cancel. The simplified result is:

s+R(x, y, z(x, y))dz = ∫∫S(Ry(x, y, z(x, y))*-zx(x, y) - Rx(x, y, z(x, y))*-zy(x, y))dxdy

Though we found this for a function graph that projects onto a rectangular domain, the result works for any domain D that is a simple region, since we can first look at the part of Rdz affected by changes in x, looking at D as a y-simple region, and can then look at the part of Rdz affected by changes in y, looking at D as an x-simple region. This proves "part 3" of Stokes' Theorem. Now add together parts 1, 2, and 3 to get Stokes' Theorem:

s+P(x, y, z(x, y))dx + Q(x, y, z(x, y))dy + R(x, y, z(x, y))dz =

∫∫S([(Ry(x, y, z(x, y)) - Qx(x, y, z(x, y))]*-zx(x, y) + [Pz(x, y, z(x, y)) - Rx(x, y, z(x, y))]*-zy(x, y)) + [Qx - Py])dxdy

For a continuously differentiable vector field F = (P(x, y, z(x, y)), Q(x, y, z(x, y)), R(x, y, z(x, y))), this simplifies to

∫∫Scurl F ⋅ dS = ∫s+F ⋅ ds



  • Describe what happens when you set z(x, y) equal to:
    • 0
    • Any constant
    • Any linear function of x and y (ax + by + c)
  • Compare your results from Exercise 1 on this page to your results from Exercise 1 on the previous page.