Richard Evan Schwartz
- Optimal Paper Moebius Band Suite
5 papers (2024)
- 5 Point Energy Minimization Suite
7 papers
- The Flapping Birds in the Pentagram Zoo
preprint (2024) pdf
companion program
- Symplectic Tiling Billiards, Planar Linkages, and Hyperbolic Geometry
preprint (2023) pdf
- A Textbook Case of Pentagram Rigidity
preprint (2021) pdf
companion program
- The Farthest Point Map on the Regular Dodecahedron
preprint (2021) pdf
- On Area Growth in Sol
preprint (2020) pdf
Research Monographs
- The Optimal Paper Moebius Band
Annals of Mathematics (2024) to appear
- Pentagram Rigidity for Centrally Symmetric Octagons
I.M.R.N (2024) to appear pdf
companion program
- Continued Fractions and the Four Color Theorem
Journal of Experimental Math (2024) to appear
- Polygonal Symplectic Billiards
(joint with Peter Albers, Guatam Banhatti, Filip Sadlo, Serge Tabachnikov)
Journal of Experimental Math (2023) to appear
arXiv version
- The affine shape of a figure 8 curve under the curve shortening flow
(joint with Matei P. Coiculescu)
Journal of Differential Geometry (2022) to appear pdf
- Trisecting the 9-vertex complex projective plane
Math. Intelligencer (2022) to appear pdf
- On Projective Evolutes of Polygons
Experimental Mathematics (2022) to appear
companion program
(Joint with Maxim Arnold and Serge Tabachnikov)
- Conway's Nightmare: Brahmagupta and Butterflies
Math. Intelligencer (2022) to appear pdf
- Survey Lecture on Billiards
Proceedings of the 2022 ICM (2022) to appear pdf
- An Improved Bound on the Optimal Embedded Paper Mobius Band
Geometriae Dedicata (2021)
Corrected version: pdf
Erratum for the original version: pdf
- The Spheres of Sol
(joint with
Matei P. Coiculescu)
Geometry and Topology (2021) to appear pdf
Companion program download
- The Farthest Point Map on the Regular Octahedron
Journal of Experimental Math (2021) to appear
Companion program download
- Descartes Circle Theorem, Steiner Porism, and Spherical Designs
(joint with Serge Tabachnikov)
American Math Monthly Vol 127 Issue 3 (2020)
- A Trichotomy for Rectangles inscribed in a Jordan Loop
Geometriae Dedicata (2020) to appear
- Inscribed Rectangle Coincidences
Advances in Geometry (2019) to appear.
- Five Point Energy Minimization: A Summary
Journal of Consructive Approximation (2019) to appear
- A Hyperbolic View of the Seven Circles Theorem
Math. Intelligencer (Joint with Kostiantin Drach) to appear
- Four Lines and a Rectangle
J. Exp Math. (2019) to appear
companion program
- Square Turning Maps and their Compactifications
Geometria Dedicata (volume in honor of Bill Goldman's 60th) (2017)
- Lenghtening a Tetrahedron
Geometriae Dedicata (to appear) (2014)
Companion program download
- The Pentagram Integrals for Poncelet Families
Journal of Geometry and Physics (2014) pp 384-405
- Pentagram Spirals
J. Exp Math. Vol 22, Issue 4 (2013)
Companion program
click here
- Liouville-Arnold integrability of the pentagram map on closed polygons
Duke Mathematics Journal, Vol 162, Number 12 (2012) pp 2149-2196
(joint with
Valentin Ovsienko and
Sergei Tabachnikov )
- The 5-Electron Case of Thomson's Problem
J. Experimental Math, vol 22, issue 2, (2013) pp 157-186
companion program Electron Champ
- Outer Billiards on the Penrose Kite: Compactification and Renormalization
Journal of Modern Dynamics, Issue 3 (2012) pp 473-581
Companion applet:
The applet
download the program:
the program
- The Pentagram Integrals for Inscribed Polygons
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2011) to appear
pdf or
companion program (download)
joint with Sergei Tabachnikov )
- Outer Billiards and the Pinwheel Map
Journal of Modern Dynamics Issue 2 (2011) 255-283
Companion Applet:
- The Pentagram map: A discrete integrable system
Communications in Mathematical Physics 299 (2010) pp 409-446
The paper has a small omission. See
this erratum or our
sequel paper for a fix.
(joint with
Valentin Ovsienko and
Sergei Tabachnikov )
- Elementary Surprises in Projective Geometry
Mathematical Intelligencer , 2010 (to appear)
joint with Sergei Tabachnikov )
companion applet
- Billiards in Nearly Isosceles Triangles
Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol 3 Number 2 (2009) pp 159-231
(joint with Pat Hooper)
- Obtuse Triangular Billiards II:
100 Degrees Worth of Periodic Trajectories
Journal of Experimental Math , Vol 18, No 2 pp 137-171 (2008)
paper (.pdf) or
or applet
- Discrete Monodromy, Pentagrams, and the Method of Condensation
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
(Special edition in Honor of V.I. Arnold's 70th birthday) (2008)
- Unbounded Orbits for Outer Billiards
Journal of Modern Dynamics 3 (2007)
Research Announcement:
E.R.A-M.S. Electronic Notices, Vol 14 (2007)
web link
- The Poncelet Grid
Advances in Geometry Vol 7 pp 157-175 (2006)
- Affine Subdivision,
Steerable Semigroups,
and Sphere Coverings
Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
(Special volume in honor of G.A. Margulis' 60th Birthday.)
- Obtuse Triangular Billiards I: Near the (2,3,6) Triangle
Journal of Experimental Mathematics (2006) Vol 15, Issue 2
- A Conformal Averaging Process on the Circle
Geometriae Dedicata Vol 117, Number 1 (2006)
or the computer code
May, 2013: Stergios Antonakoudis found a much faster proof of the
main inequality in my paper. Click
- A Better Proof of the Goldman-Parker
Geometry & Topology Vol 9 (2005) pp 1539-1602
.pdf or
Java applet
- Modular Circle Quotients and PL
Limit Sets
Volume 8 (2004) Paper 1 pp 1-34
- The Density of Shapes in Three Dimensional
Barycentric Subdivision
Journal of Discrete and Computational Geometry
#30 (2003) 373-377
- Real Hyperbolic on the Outside,
Complex Hyperbolic on the Inside
Inventiones Mathematicae 151.2 (2003) 221-295
.pdf or
computer code
- Complex Hyperbolic Triangle Groups
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians
(2002) Volume 1: Invited Lectures, pp 339-350
- Lucy and Lily: a
Game of Geometry and Number Theory
American Math Monthly
(Jan 2002) Vol 109.1, pp 13-20
- Circle Quotients and String Art
(2001) Vol 41.3 pp. 495-523
- The Pentagram Map is Recurrent
Journal of Experimental Mathematics
(2001) Vol 10.4 pp. 519-528
- Degenerating the Complex Hyperbolic Ideal Triangle
Acta Mathematica 186
(2001) Vol 186 p.105-154
- Ideal Triangle Groups, Dented Tori, and
Numerical Analysis
Annals of Mathematics
(2001) Vol 153 pp. 533-598
.pdf or
- Desargues Theorem, Dynamics and Hyperplane
Geometriae Dedicata
(2001) Vol 87(1) pp. 261-283
- Symmetric Patterns of Geodesics and Automorphisms of
Surface Groups
Inventiones Mathematicae
(1997) Vol 128 pp. 177-199
- On the Integral Equation of a Third Order O.D.E.
Journal of Differential Equations
(1997) Vol 135 pp.183-191
- Quasi-Isometric Rigidity and Diophantine Approximation
Acta Mathematica
(1996) Vol 177 pp. 75-112
- The Large Scale Geometry of Hilbert Modular Groups
(with Benson Farb)
Journal of Differential Geometry
(1996) Vol 44 pp. 435-478
- The Quasi-Isometry Classification of Rank One Lattices
I.H.E.S. Publications Mathematiques
(1995) Vol. 82 pp. 133-168
- The Correlation of Length Spectra on two Hyperbolic Surfaces
(with Richard Sharp)
Communications in Mathematical Physics
(1993) Vol 153 pp. 323-330
Pappus's Theorem and the Modular Group
I.H.E.S. Publications Mathematiques
(1993) Vol. 78 pp. 187-206
A Projectively Natural Flow for Circle Diffeomorphisms
Inventiones mathematicae
(1992) Vol. 110 pp 627-647
- The Pentagram Map
Journal of Experimental Mathematics
(1992) Vol 1 pp. 85-90
- The Limit Sets of Some
Infinitely Generated Schottky Groups
Transactions of the American Math Society
(1992) Vol 355 pp. 865-875
Stuff I Will Probably Never Publish
Outer Billiards, Polytope Exchange Transformations, and
Quarter Turn Compositions
preprint (2011)
Outer Billiards, The Arithmetic Graph, and the Octagon
preprint (2010)
Companion programs:
OctoMap 1
OctoMap 2
Outer Billiards, Arithmetic Graphs, and multigrid flows
(2008) research notes
Introduction to McBilliards
(somewhat outdated) program documentation (2004),
joint with Pat Hooper
the Mc Billiards program
Billiards Obtuse and Irrational,
light and breezy article (2005)
Dented Tori
interactive document (1999)
C/tk program
A Dynamical Theorem in Projective Geometry
interacrive research announcement (1997)
Proving Disjointness with Foliated Patches
speculative technical notes (1999)