Richard Evan Schwartz
- Divide and Conquer, a Distributed Approach to Five Point Energy Minimization
the eternal preprint, (revised in 2025) pdf
companion programs
- Patterns of Geodesics, Shearing, and Anosov Representations of the Modular Group
preprint (2025) pdf
- Le Retour de Pappus
preprint (2024) pdf
- The Flapping Birds in the Pentagram Zoo
preprint (2024) pdf
companion program
- The Crisscross and the cap: Two Short 3-twist Paper Moebius bands
preprint (2023) pdf
(joint with Brienne Brown)
- The Optimal Twisted Paper Cylinder
preprint (2023) pdf
- Symplectic Tiling Billiards, Planar Linkages, and Hyperbolic Geometry
preprint (2023) pdf
- A Textbook Case of Pentagram Rigidity
preprint (2021) pdf
companion program
- The Farthest Point Map on the Regular Dodecahedron
preprint (2021) pdf
- On Area Growth in Sol
preprint (2020) pdf
- Outer Billiards, Polytope Exchange Transformations, and
Quarter Turn Compositions
preprint (2016)
- Outer Billiards, The Arithmetic Graph, and the Octagon
preprint (2010)
Companion programs:
OctoMap 1
OctoMap 2
- On Nearly Optimal Paper Moebius Bands
Advances in Geometry (2025) to appear
- The Optimal Paper Moebius Band
Annals of Mathematics (2024) to appear
additional material
- Pentagram Rigidity for Centrally Symmetric Octagons
I.M.R.N (2024) to appear pdf
companion program
- Continued Fractions and the Four Color Theorem
Journal of Experimental Math (2024) to appear
- Polygonal Symplectic Billiards
(joint with Peter Albers, Guatam Banhatti, Filip Sadlo, Serge Tabachnikov)
Journal of Experimental Math (2023) to appear
arXiv version
- The affine shape of a figure 8 curve under the curve shortening flow
(joint with Matei P. Coiculescu)
Journal of Differential Geometry (2022) to appear pdf
- Trisecting the 9-vertex complex projective plane
Math. Intelligencer (2022) to appear pdf
- On Projective Evolutes of Polygons
Experimental Mathematics (2022) to appear
companion program
(Joint with Maxim Arnold and Serge Tabachnikov)
- Conway's Nightmare: Brahmagupta and Butterflies
Math. Intelligencer (2022) to appear pdf
- Survey Lecture on Billiards
Proceedings of the 2022 ICM (2022) to appear pdf
- An Improved Bound on the Optimal Embedded Paper Mobius Band
Geometriae Dedicata (2021)
Corrected version: pdf
Erratum for the original version: pdf
- The Spheres of Sol
(joint with
Matei P. Coiculescu)
Geometry and Topology (2021) to appear pdf
Companion program download
- The Farthest Point Map on the Regular Octahedron
Journal of Experimental Math (2021) to appear
Companion program download
- Descartes Circle Theorem, Steiner Porism, and Spherical Designs
(joint with Serge Tabachnikov)
American Math Monthly Vol 127 Issue 3 (2020)
- A Trichotomy for Rectangles inscribed in a Jordan Loop
Geometriae Dedicata (2020) to appear
- Inscribed Rectangle Coincidences
Advances in Geometry (2019) to appear.
- Five Point Energy Minimization: A Summary
Journal of Consructive Approximation (2019) to appear
- A Hyperbolic View of the Seven Circles Theorem
Math. Intelligencer (Joint with Kostiantin Drach) to appear
- Four Lines and a Rectangle
J. Exp Math. (2019) to appear
companion program
- Square Turning Maps and their Compactifications
Geometria Dedicata (volume in honor of Bill Goldman's 60th) (2017)
- Lenghtening a Tetrahedron
Geometriae Dedicata (to appear) (2014)
Companion program download
- The Pentagram Integrals for Poncelet Families
Journal of Geometry and Physics (2014) pp 384-405
- Pentagram Spirals
J. Exp Math. Vol 22, Issue 4 (2013)
Companion program
click here
- Liouville-Arnold integrability of the pentagram map on closed polygons
Duke Mathematics Journal, Vol 162, Number 12 (2012) pp 2149-2196
(joint with
Valentin Ovsienko and
Sergei Tabachnikov )
- The 5-Electron Case of Thomson's Problem
J. Experimental Math, vol 22, issue 2, (2013) pp 157-186
companion program Electron Champ
- Outer Billiards on the Penrose Kite: Compactification and Renormalization
Journal of Modern Dynamics, Issue 3 (2012) pp 473-581
Companion applet:
The applet
download the program:
the program
- The Pentagram Integrals for Inscribed Polygons
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2011) to appear
pdf or
companion program (download)
joint with Sergei Tabachnikov )
- Outer Billiards and the Pinwheel Map
Journal of Modern Dynamics Issue 2 (2011) 255-283
Companion Applet:
- The Pentagram map: A discrete integrable system
Communications in Mathematical Physics 299 (2010) pp 409-446
The paper has a small omission. See
this erratum or our
sequel paper for a fix.
(joint with
Valentin Ovsienko and
Sergei Tabachnikov )
- Elementary Surprises in Projective Geometry
Mathematical Intelligencer , 2010 (to appear)
joint with Sergei Tabachnikov )
companion applet
- Billiards in Nearly Isosceles Triangles
Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol 3 Number 2 (2009) pp 159-231
(joint with Pat Hooper)
- Obtuse Triangular Billiards II:
100 Degrees Worth of Periodic Trajectories
Journal of Experimental Math , Vol 18, No 2 pp 137-171 (2008)
paper (.pdf) or
or applet
- Discrete Monodromy, Pentagrams, and the Method of Condensation
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
(Special edition in Honor of V.I. Arnold's 70th birthday) (2008)
- Unbounded Orbits for Outer Billiards
Journal of Modern Dynamics 3 (2007)
Research Announcement:
E.R.A-M.S. Electronic Notices, Vol 14 (2007)
web link
- The Poncelet Grid
Advances in Geometry Vol 7 pp 157-175 (2006)
- Affine Subdivision,
Steerable Semigroups,
and Sphere Coverings
Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
(Special volume in honor of G.A. Margulis' 60th Birthday.)
- Obtuse Triangular Billiards I: Near the (2,3,6) Triangle
Journal of Experimental Mathematics (2006) Vol 15, Issue 2
- A Conformal Averaging Process on the Circle
Geometriae Dedicata Vol 117, Number 1 (2006)
or the computer code
May, 2013: Stergios Antonakoudis found a much faster proof of the
main inequality in my paper. Click
- A Better Proof of the Goldman-Parker
Geometry & Topology Vol 9 (2005) pp 1539-1602
.pdf or
Java applet
- Modular Circle Quotients and PL
Limit Sets
Volume 8 (2004) Paper 1 pp 1-34
- The Density of Shapes in Three Dimensional
Barycentric Subdivision
Journal of Discrete and Computational Geometry
#30 (2003) 373-377
- Real Hyperbolic on the Outside,
Complex Hyperbolic on the Inside
Inventiones Mathematicae 151.2 (2003) 221-295
.pdf or
computer code
- Complex Hyperbolic Triangle Groups
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians
(2002) Volume 1: Invited Lectures, pp 339-350
- Lucy and Lily: a
Game of Geometry and Number Theory
American Math Monthly
(Jan 2002) Vol 109.1, pp 13-20
- Circle Quotients and String Art
(2001) Vol 41.3 pp. 495-523
- The Pentagram Map is Recurrent
Journal of Experimental Mathematics
(2001) Vol 10.4 pp. 519-528
- Degenerating the Complex Hyperbolic Ideal Triangle
Acta Mathematica 186
(2001) Vol 186 p.105-154
- Ideal Triangle Groups, Dented Tori, and
Numerical Analysis
Annals of Mathematics
(2001) Vol 153 pp. 533-598
.pdf or
- Desargues Theorem, Dynamics and Hyperplane
Geometriae Dedicata
(2001) Vol 87(1) pp. 261-283
- Symmetric Patterns of Geodesics and Automorphisms of
Surface Groups
Inventiones Mathematicae
(1997) Vol 128 pp. 177-199
- On the Integral Equation of a Third Order O.D.E.
Journal of Differential Equations
(1997) Vol 135 pp.183-191
- Quasi-Isometric Rigidity and Diophantine Approximation
Acta Mathematica
(1996) Vol 177 pp. 75-112
- The Large Scale Geometry of Hilbert Modular Groups
(with Benson Farb)
Journal of Differential Geometry
(1996) Vol 44 pp. 435-478
- The Quasi-Isometry Classification of Rank One Lattices
I.H.E.S. Publications Mathematiques
(1995) Vol. 82 pp. 133-168
- The Correlation of Length Spectra on two Hyperbolic Surfaces
(with Richard Sharp)
Communications in Mathematical Physics
(1993) Vol 153 pp. 323-330
Pappus's Theorem and the Modular Group
I.H.E.S. Publications Mathematiques
(1993) Vol. 78 pp. 187-206
A Projectively Natural Flow for Circle Diffeomorphisms
Inventiones mathematicae
(1992) Vol. 110 pp 627-647
- The Pentagram Map
Journal of Experimental Mathematics
(1992) Vol 1 pp. 85-90
- The Limit Sets of Some
Infinitely Generated Schottky Groups
Transactions of the American Math Society
(1992) Vol 355 pp. 865-875
Stuff I Will Probably Never Publish
- Outer Billiards, Arithmetic Graphs, and multigrid flows
(2008) research notes
- Introduction to McBilliards
(somewhat outdated) program documentation (2004),
joint with Pat Hooper
the Mc Billiards program
- Billiards Obtuse and Irrational,
light and breezy article (2005)
- Dented Tori
interactive document (1999)
C/tk program
- A Dynamical Theorem in Projective Geometry
interacrive research announcement (1997)
- Proving Disjointness with Foliated Patches
speculative technical notes (1999)